Yes. As voted for by the folk at Conpulsion - the longest running games con in Scotland - we are honoured and proud to say we were voted 'Best Board Game' 2015. Thanks to all who voted and have supported us so far. Happy gaming!!!
Scroll down this page to find information about FRANKENSTEIN'S BODIES including
How to Play
Links to Reviews
A copy of the game rules.

FRANKENSTEIN'S BODIES - What's it all about?
You are playing SURGEONS in FRANKENSTEIN'S LABORATORY trying to impress him with the bodies you stitch together. Each player has one laboratory area with two operating benches on which to work. Bodies come in two genders (male and female) with six parts to a body (head, torso, two arms and two legs) and they come in four colours (red, blue, green and yellow - the serum types used to reanimate the body bits). Bodiies that are more complete, and matched for gender and colour gain more points at the end of the game. The surgeon player with the most points wins. Simple?.....not quite.

In Frankenstein's Bodies you play surgeons in Frankenstein's lab trying to build the best bodies you can to impress him.
Each player works on two bodies, stitching parts together to make a body that's matched for colour and gender as well as being complete as possible. The only snag is there's a shortage of body parts. In fact there's only one each.
Now you have to grab parts from other players using surgery. You can defend using other expert surgeons you can train up and earn extra points when scoring.
Frankenstein's Bodies is simple to learn (pick two cards, play two cards) and with only 8 types of action it is clear what to do. But can you make a body and keep it whole?
Gruesome gothic fun for 2-6 players in 45 minutes.
Get your copy here

Ok, so we are bound to say that our game is pretty smashing - well after almost three years spent tweaking designing, retweaking and playtesting, playtesting and playetesting - we're bound to feel a bit proud. But you don't have to take our word for it. Here are some reviews from people who really know their gaming onions. Click on the links below and see what they have to say. And if you like it then follow them too. They all come up with some excellent comments. Oh, and if you wish to make your own comments then please do 'rate' us on boardgamegeek. The link is at the bottom.
Nearly Enough Dice
" It has all the elements I love in this style of game. Ways to mess with your opponents, ways for your opponent to mess with you as well as ways you can try to prevent as much as you can! Throw on top of this that the game takes on average an hour with experienced players to play to the end and you have a rather simple game!"
Who Dares Rolls
" And once you grasp the basics its then that all the subtle tactics start to emerge, knowing when to strike or when to make the best use of an opportunity as it presents itself. A great litmus test for me are those games that take minutes to learn then years to master, this has the feel of one of those."
Token Trove
"Frankenstein's Bodies is evil, I mean really evil! The amount of backstabbing and sabotage that takes place is enough to make anyone scream in anguish! ... but what makes this game different is that everyone loves it !"
Games Gazette Online
" It's a fun game from start to end. There is player interaction, back stabbing, gory bits, decision making, card play and tongue-in-cheek humour, all of which goes towards making this a tasty entertainment."
A 2nd Chapter
A very keen 'pro-gaming' blog with occasional reviews. Here's what they said about 'Frank' at the Conpulsion launch.
Creaking Shelves
Excellent and enthusuastic review from Matt. 'A blood splattered explosion of interaction and recriminations'. Nice.
Polyhedron Collider.
Andrew talks to Steve about Frankenstein's Bodies in the very busy UK Games Expo hall. Yes, I'm excited I talk fast when I'm excited.
The go-to place for all things gamey. Please rate our game as this really helps put us on the map.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to 'User Info'. Click the middle tab 'Record info' and fill in your opinions. Especially useful are 'Rating' and 'Comments' section. Many thanks.
How to Play. Click here to see a short intro video.
And that's a brief intro to Frankenstein's Bodies. If you like what you see and can't wait to get playing then.....press the button below.
© 2013 Andrew Harman. A YAY! Games Production.
For our French chums we made a translation of the Card Summary to show at Spiel. If you have any questions regarding how to play, please do get in touch and we will aim to help.